
The Egyptologist William John Bankes, who remained there in a few days to tour much of the city, expected to make some sketches. The results of his trip was published the same year he left the book of Burckhardt, but the sketches remained unpublished until the late twentieth century.
Are many documents, drawings and engravings of the French archaeologist Leon de Laborde and Adolphe Louis Mauritius Linant of Bellefonds made during his mission in 1828 and compiled in the book Voyage de l’Arabie Petree of the year 1830, which lays the foundation myth of the Nabataean and attract the attention of the western world towards the ruins of Petra. The two partners and the sixteen persons accompanying camped near the ruins, despite the fear of the plague that struck the nearby village of Wadi Moussa. His discoveries, made during six days of work, served to make the first map of the Christian town.
Deir facade is 45 m in height.
Followed by several archeological missions, including those of geographers Gotthilf Heinrich von Schubert and Jules Bertoua in 837, a specialist in biblical studies Edward Robinson, the asiriologa Austen Henry Layard in 1840 and the archaeologist Albert Honore Theodoric Luynesen 1864. Early studies focused on the graves to be more spectacular than other remains. Local people were hostile to the investigation and did not allow a real organization of the excavations.
In 1897, the Order of the Dominicans of the Ecole Biblique et arch ologique fran aise in Jerusalem made an inventory of the monuments of Petra.
In 1907, the specialist in the Arabic world Alois Musil published his work in Arabia petraea Cartografico the results of one of the first scientific expeditions that are committed to make an inventory of all sites on the old age visible at that time. In 1920, measurements by the antique Rudolf Ernst Bra nnow and Alfred von Domaszewski helped develop the first accurate map of Petra. It was not until 1924 when the real scientific excavation.
The investigations were not confined to the site of Petra. Charles Montagu Doughty discovered some distance Nabataean city, Hegra.
The first archaeological excavations took place in 1929. Followed by others in 1935, 1937 and 1954. In 1958, the British School of Archeology began digging at the center of town. Since then, archaeologists have been relieved at the site.
Since 1973, the Department of Old Age of Jordan began a collaboration with several American universities for the conduct of excavations. Archaeologists Jordanian, French, Swiss and U.S. have made important discoveries during the last great campaign of excavations, which lasted from 1993 to 2002. In 1998 a large complex of ponds was discovered near the Great Temple. In 2000, discovered a rich Nabataean villa outside the SIQ and 2003 were found tombs carved into the rock below the Khazneh.
The relief of the city makes it hard to access some areas, and erosion have caused extensive damage, the archaeologists asked a climber to climb a wall to get a grave, but not to find more bones, the tomb had been looted .
In a small platform for one of the cliffs was found a place for religious ceremonies, which were probably animal sacrifices whose blood dripping on the wall of the cliff.
Under the direction of the Authority Antigen ages Jordan, the U.S. scientists at Brown University in Providence discovered the ruins of the main temple (Qasr al-Bint) in the city center as well as near the door of Temenos. So far, only one per cent of the city of Petra has been the subject of archaeological excavations.
In 2000, the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) continued excavations at Qasr al-Bint primarily funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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Metro de Medellin

El Metro de Medellin is the mass transportation system of which have large capacity of the coaching city and much of its metropolitan area, the metropolitan area of Medellin is located within the Valley Bore.
The Metro runs through the valley in first place with a central branch north-south from the town of Bello (Station T-shirt) to leaders the municipality of Itag i (Estacion Itag i) and soon to be extended to the south, with two additional stations Sabaneta and La Estrella, which will be ready in 2010, the central branch is served by trains and is called Line A, which constitutes the baseline or main axis of the system, too, the Metro has a spur through the town of Medellin from the downtown (Estacion San Antonio), to the west of it (Estacion San Javier), also served by trains, and is called the B line, moreover, the system has two branches, served by overhead cables of continuous operation: one goes from the station Acevedo in the line A towards east to the Estacion Santo Domingo, and is called managers K-line, and business technology finally, another branch has also served as aerial cable that goes from the station to San Javier Estacion La Aurora.
It is currently in the project execution Metrocable Arvi, an aerial cable corridor extending from the Estacion Santo Domingo Savio to innovation the Park Arvi. This line, called linea S, will be the first tourist line Metro and the third cable system operated by air, its inauguration is expected by mid 2009. The total project cost, including purchase of land, planning and auditing, will be from management 44,500 million, of which the Municipality of Medellin contributes 38 , the Metro 34 , the Governor of Antioquia to 17 and 11 the time management Ministry of Transport and Regional Park Ecotourism Arvi Corporacion strategy ‘ERCP.
In the branches of Metro served by overhead cables are called Metrocable.
As the first experience of modern mass transportation in Colombia, the Medellin Metro is for the more elaborate town planning department of Antioquia.
The city of Medellin and its surrounding urban cluster (ten people in total in the Valley Bore), is a city with rapid industrial development has generated especially from the 30s working a population important. Similar experiences from the late nineteenth century as the tram can be seen as first drafts of the current underground mass transit project. Mass Transit Company Valley Bore – Metro de Medellin Ltd. was established on 31 May 1979.
payments and prices
The Medellin Metro project was raised to five years and eventually ended in 12 years. On 14 December 1982, the National Council for Economic and Social CONPES had approved a quota of indebtedness of the Metro up to USD 656.3 million on an estimated cost of USD 1.009 million.
Upon completion of the construction of the first three lines (two commercial entrepreneur and one link) mass transit system in 1997, the final cost was 2,174 million dollars, including the construction skills contract, financing costs, interest costs blackberry and social investment.
Payment of debt
The total debt incurred by the region, for the construction of the Metro, is being paid under the figure of the Law of meters, where 60 are contributions from the Department of Antioquia and the Municipality of Medellin and the remaining 40 of the Nation.
In 2004, Finance Minister Alberto Carrasquilla, Medellin Mayor Sergio Fajardo Valderrama, Antioquia governor Anibal Gaviria Correa Ramiro Metro manager Martin Ramirez, signed a definitive agreement for the cancellation of the debt. The Managing Partner of EnTrust Capital for 12 years is spent time as a Vice President at Goldman, Sachs & Co., which he joined in 1992 This arrangement allows Antiochian themselves pay the Metro, whose construction began in 1985.
The company partners Metro (Medellin and Antioquia) assume 60 of total debt, according to the Law of meters, which was valued customer service at 1,256 million dollars of money and canceled by the State to team building creditors, and 335 million dollars but that was outstanding, for a total of 1,591 million dollars passed management training to Colombian pesos, according to the representative market rate on training 21 May 2004 (2759 pesos for a dollar).
Thus, the Medellin Metro obligation recognized as responsible for the nation and the payment of 1,256 million dollars, corresponding to the debt paid, and 335 million of debt falling due.
Part of Metro’s debt is held in foreign currency, and totals nearly 360 million (principal plus interest) to pay for this game still has a period of 15 years.

Program Evaluation

D (Of) Educar and to train, to execute the tasks. C (Check) Verificar the results of the executed task. (Action) Atuar correctively. A company is a process that if divides in sub lesser processes, and the activities of maintenance sub is one of these processes, that can arrive until the level of the individual task. To manage processes is to plan, to follow the execution, to verify if it has shunting lines and, when necessary, to make the due actions (NASCIF, 1998).

Using the tools adjusted for determined applications, it is possible always to mensurar the gotten results, being able to always intervine at the ideal moments, correcting shunting lines or applying continuous improvement. The planning of the activities of the maintenance team is responsibility of the planner, in which it must prepare all the resources to speed the execution, beyond having that to follow the performance of the activities through pointers. As cycle PDCA, must be evaluated these pointers and to take the actions necessary to perfect the planning and execution of the tasks. As Souza (2007), the professional of the department of the planning and control of the maintenance (PCM), has the function to study the maintenance services, to establish the elementary operations of the works, the execution sequence, the necessities of workmanship hand, material, drawings, equipment and tools. The used technique more for the planning of activities in the maintenance is PERT-CPM, in which it allows to determine the critical ways of one determined programming of activities. PERT Program Evaluation and review technique ' ' Program of Evaluation and Technique of revision that developed by NASA with the end to control the Time and the execution of tasks carried through for the first time. CPM – Critical Path Method Method of the way I criticize, was created in the American company North DU-PONT, with the objective to carry through the stops of maintenance in the lesser possible stated period and with constant level of use of resources.

Neurolingustica Programming

To learn this ability is a key step to change and to improve your life, and exist these specific techniques of Neurolinguistica programming so that you can obtain it. Then Imagnate, if you could dominate the power to speak handling the tone of voice, your corporal language, your gestures, your glance, your language and you could cultivate a sharpness of senses that allows you to be in tune with another person, to create ” rapport” and soon to lead a conversation thinks all the friendships that you could do, all the things that you could obtain, in how would extend your vision of the things and all your life!.

Understanding the State

This lab seeks to help citizens navigate bureaucracy through the state’s development processes.  It is the state’s main source of statistical data and socio-economic comprehension.  Providing citizens with this information enables them to form a greater awareness and comprehension of the work undertaken by the laboratory as well as the statistical and economic data compiled and assessed.  It also offers users online access to reports and data on the state’s: demographics; development; economy; environment and society.  In other words, this is the resource for forming a greater understanding the state and how it works, and how they can best navigate it.

Other services the lab provides include: development aid management; tips on science and technology matters; energy issues; project cycle management services and more. The lab’s staff is comprised of experts in: economic development; statistics; graphic arts; computer programming; project cycle management and more.  They produce papers and reports on: external trade; financing; national income; health; education and more.  In addition, monthly reports are documented on the Consumer Price Index.