Laws ” too much tolerantes” 39% of the survey ones indicate that he is ” enough aceptable” that it is preferred to contract a Spanish before to a foreigner and 24%, that is ” very aceptable” , nevertheless, 22% think that he is ” little aceptable” and 9% ” nothing aceptable”. However, the crisis has not motivated that has grown acceptance that would have the Spaniards of parties of racist ideology or xenophobe. According to the survey, 18% of the Spaniards are ” very of acuerdo” with the idea that the immigrants who are in unemployment during long time are expelled from the country, 22% are ” rather of acuerdo” , 26%, ” rather in desacuerdo” , whereas 22% are ” very in desacuerdo”. With respect to the number of immigrants whom there are at the moment in Spain, 46% think that he is ” excesivo” , 33%, that is ” elevado” , and 17% that is ” aceptable”. The report emphasizes, also, that 42% of the survey Spaniards affirm that the present laws that regulate the entrance and the permanence of foreigners in Spain are ” too much tolerantes” , 32% ” rather tolerantes” , 13%, that is ” correctas” , and the six percent that is ” rather duras” or ” too much duras”. Another one of the conclusions is that the perception of the immigrants varies according to the economic and labor position of each person, and thus who enjoy good position have one more a more positive conception of immigration, whereas those that are in worse situation have an image of ” perjuicio” and they express more rejection towards the immigrants. The report concludes, since they made other studies previous, that in the days of crisis and of economic uncertainty are ” very necesario” to take care of the images and the messages that occur of immigration, to avoid that attitudes can be activated xenophobes.