Travel Insurance

Although many people believe that New York is one of those dangerous and large cities with crime rates that you would fear tiritar, official reports estimate that New York is actually one of the safest places today, with crime rates at historic lows since the 1960’s. Here are some tips that can help you to live a safer, cheaper, and more memorable New York. Where to stay: If you don’t have any friend with an apartment in which to spend a night or two, have a wide range of hotels from which to choose. Most of the hotels are concentrated in Manhattan but if you are travelling for business, then it is possible that preferred to spend the night near Wall Street. If on the other hand, you are looking for something fun and extravagant, Greenwhich and Chelsea can be good starting points. Where to eat: the food is a fusion of a little bit of each of the four corners of the world. If you like the lasagna, Italian restaurants are to turn the corner.

If you want to savour a traditional and tasty stew of veal and rice Yangzhou, has lots of Chinese locals happy to bring the food to your doorstep. From first-class restaurants, ultra-elegantes and clearly expensive or Bohemian dinners at a fixed price by eating everything it can in a buffet, New York won’t problems to satisfy his gastronomic leanings. Where to go: New York has many points of interest which boast and the list continues to grow. Remember the animated Madagascar film? Well, this was Central Park in drawings but wait and see the true with his eight thousand acres of extension. And Madam Tussaud Wax Museum? They say that a view of New York is not complete until you visit the living creatures of this particular Museum. And who can forget the Empire State Building, one of the highest of all the skyscrapers. And of course the statue of liberty, the more representative of America welcome symbol.

Rockefeller Center with its famous Christmas tree right in the middle of all the action or the Metropolitan Museum or the Museum of modern art are other choices. Be sure: even though New York is considered a safe city, does not hurt anyone take the necessary precautions and avoid the attention of pickpockets looking for outsiders. Use ATMs with dissimulation and always leave in group. How not to miss: New York is a very dynamic city so the hustle and bustle can be finished by overwhelm those who visit it for the first time. Therefore, it is advisable that you always wear your map and mobile phone with you. If you aren’t sure of your destination, do not take the subway but better spend more and take a taxi. And lastly! enjoy your visit!