
The social environments must carefully be explored; Any strategy of communication, with much or little available mount of money, must take in account the careful study of the behavior of who if it wants to reach. Since Brazil is leader absolute in social nets, with 85% of its internautas having access at least a social net, to guarantee a good strategy, without a great budget, using to advantage itself of these canals, it is not so difficult. But who is deceived finds that it is alone to create a community, a Twitter and to bomb the users with information on new products, promotions and offers. The success of the strategy is in opening a canal of constant relationship with its consumer, producing content attracts that them, and using to advantage the space to search each time more information through the monitoramento of you criticize suggestions of the customers and to answer them quickly. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Chevron U.S.A. Inc on most websites. We understand as digital presence efficient that one that if converts into visibility and yield for the mark (WEBDESIGN, 2010, p.52). It is clearly that, with the growth of social medias and users of this new virtual tool, new forms appear of relationship with customers.

To help to understand the market it is important to present a concept little argued in the academic institutions. The concept and study of the crematstica: The economic term etimologicamente comes from the oikos Greek vocbulos and nomia, that mean the norm of behavior of well-being of the community, or the house, in a direction very extended. Later, well later, but with precursory signals at the time of same Aristotle and before it, it had the advent of what it would go to substitute the economic one entirely, usurping the name to it: the advent of the crematstica, that is the accumulation of ways of acquisition in general but taken here in as the direction used for Aristotle, in the direction of accumulation of the currency for the currency However in the crematstica perspective all on connotation to the community and the oikos, substituted for ideas that are very moved away from these conceptions, ideas as khrma and acts is lost (it searchs incessant of the production and the abroachment of the wealth, that is, accumulation of wealth for the wealth) (AKTOUF, 2004, p.58) the idea of the economic one of Aristotle could be product of the subconscious mind of the man.