Nutritional Sources

The maize (Zea mays L.) is a pertaining monocotilednea to the Poaceae family, of American origin according to scientific evidences, sufficiently cultivated since the pre-Columbian, rich period nutritional sources. The process for which the light regulates the development of the plants is called fotomorfognese. Its limitation in the interior of a vegetal community can cause reduction of the growth and the reproduction. The present work had as objective to verify the influence of the quality of the light in the germination of seed of maize Z. mays L. had been used 800 seeds of maize with the experimental delineation block-type entirely casualisados with five treatments and four repetitions. It was observed germination of the seeds in boxes gerbox and paper germitest. The treatments had been: 1) fluorescent light white continuum; 2) dark continuous; 3) blue color; 4) red color 5) yellow color.

The evaluation consisted of after making the reading to the seven days the plantation of the seeds through the percentage of plntulas normal verified in the germination test, of the length of the aerial part and the root. The germination results had indicated that the treatment of the dark continuous in germitest registered 93.75% of germination of seeds, followed of the treatment with the red color (90%). The treatments using the colors yellow and blue had not shown difference in the germination (86.25%). In boxes gerbox the result of the percentage of germination in the dark continuous (95%) was similar to the assay with paper germitest (93.75%), followed of the blue color with 82,5%. In box gerbox, did not occur difference in the length of the aerial part and the roots between the treatments. The seeds that had more germinated in paper germitest had been the ones that were in continuous conditions dark with the average of 8.59.